Skill sheets

Auteur: Rob van Tulder

ISBN13: 9789043023139

Skill Sheets<br />An Integrated Approach to Research, Study and Management<br />Being a successful participant in today\u2019s society requires an array of complex<br />skills. Whether you are a student, a manager or a researcher, vital skills are<br />interconnected, skills can be taught\u2026 and learned. The development of skills<br />is a lifelong and accumulative process which can be enhanced, provided<br />there is a willingness to take some time to understand the basic principles.<br />This book consists of a collection of circa one hundred skill sheets<br />that explain the basic principles of skill development. The sheets are<br />organised around a set of seven comprehensive skills: research, studying<br />(self-management), reading, listening, writing, presenting and (project)<br />management. Rather than developing these skills separately, the formula<br />shows in a concise manner how they are related, and how one can (and<br />should) work on many skills simultaneously.<br />Students and managers as well as tutors and professors will fi nd the<br />Skill Sheets collection to be an eminently practical reference book, valid<br />throughout their entire education and career. It enables them to focus on<br />active learning, constructive communication and a smarter way of studying.<br />The formula has been tested, improved and updated over the past fi fteen<br />years at a variety of universities, including the Erasmus University<br />Rotterdam, one of Europe\u2019s leading educational institutions.<br />This book is accompanied by a website ( with<br />interactive tools, checklists, and additional information on relevant skills.<br />Rob van Tulder is a professor of International Business at Erasmus University<br />Rotterdam, department of Business-Society Management. He has published books<br />and articles on a wide range of topics, advises organisations both in the public<br />and private domain, and conducts executive courses on international business and<br />corporate responsibility.<br />

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